Šventaragio 4
LT-01122 Vilnius
Tel. (+370-5) 262 70 98
E-mail: curia@vilnensis.lt
Born 23 September 1961
Ordained 25 June 1994
Consecrated 4 September 2010
Metropolitan archbishop of Vilnius since 5 April 2013
Born 23 September 1961 in Washington, D.C. (USA). Grew in a Lithuanian family. Participated in the activities of Lithuanian St. Casimir parish of Los Angeles, Ateitininkai Federation. 1983-1987 was a Chairman of the World Lithuanian Youth union and member of board of World Lithuanian community.
Before entering the seminary graduated in mathematics and informatics from the Californian university in Los Angeles (UCLA). Worked for the IBM Corporation. He has initiated spiritual studies at the Franciscan university of Steubenville, Ohio. He went for further studies to Rome. In 1992, after two years at the Pontifical college of St. Beda Venerabilis he was ordained deacon and appointed a general secretary of the Committee for the organization of the visit of Pope John Paul II to Lithuania. Back in Rome, he continued his studies at the Pontifical university of St. Thomas Aquinas, acquiring a degree of bachelor in sacred theology.
25 June 1994 he was ordained by archbishop A. J. Bačkis and elected to the office of General secretary of the Lithuanian Bishops' Conference. In 1997 he went back to Rome to continue his studies at the Pontifical university of St. Thomas Aquinas, successfully defending his doctoral thesis in a canon law in 2001. In 2001 - 2003 Msgr. Grušas was a rector of the Seminary of St. Joseph in Vilnius. While being a rector, he also taught canon law to its students. In 2002 - 2013 he was also a General secretary of the Lithuanian Bishops' Conference.
For many years Msgr. G. Grušas was a member of the Council of priests and the College of consultors of the Archdiocese of Vilnius. He was also chairing a Commission for the preparation of the Lithuanian translation of the Code of canon law. Since 2006 Msgr. G. Grušas is a Spiritual director of the Ateitininkai Federation. Member of the Supervisory council of the Pontifical Lithuanian college of St. Casimir. Chairman of the board of Katalikų pasaulio leidiniai publishing house. Vicechairman of the Lietuvių katalikų religinė šalpa.
In 2003 he was granted a title of chaplain of His Holiness (Monsignor). Msgr. G. Grušas speaks Lithuanian, English, Italian and French.
On July 2, 2010 Msgr. G. Grušas was appointed the Ordinary of the Lithuanian armed forces by Pope Benedict XVI. On September 4, 2010 he was consecrated at the Archcathedral of Vilnius.
On April 5, 2013 he was appointed Metropolitan archbishop of Vilnius by Pope Francis. On April 23, 2013 His Excellence assumed a canonical possession of the Archdiocese of Vilnius.
On October 28, 2014 archbishop G. Grušas was elected President of the Lithuanian Bishops' Conference.
On November 20, 2017 he was also elected the chairman of the Commission for Media of the social communication of Lithuanian Bishops‘ Conference.
On September 25, 2021 archbishop G. Grušas was elected President of the Council of European Bishops’ Conferences (CCEE).