Subordinated Bodies + Lithuanian Caritas

Lithuanian Caritas

Papilio g. 5
LT-44275 Kaunas

Tel. (370-37) 20 54 27

Oficial website:

General secretary – Deimantė BUKEIKAITĖ


Lithuanian Caritas, an organization subordinate to the Lithuanian Bishops' Conference, is involved in voluntary charitable activity and renders social and spiritual help to the poor.

Lithuanian Caritas gives diverse social, medical, and consultative services to those members of society who are in need. The activities of Caritas are both independent of and in cooperation with municipalities, non-governmental organizations, charitable dining-rooms, drug-stores, and medical and social care networks, all supported by structures of dioceses and parishes. These activities of Caritas are financed by donations of foreign and domestic sponsors - both organizations and private persons. At present, the structures of Lithuanian Caritas involve about three thousand permanent employees and volunteers.

Lithuanian Caritas is a member of Caritas Internationalis, which unites regional Caritas organizations, and also a member of Caritas Europe, which unites national structures of Caritas.


The Caritas Federation was established in Lithuania during the years of the first period of independent Lithuanian Republic in 1926. It united almost all catholic educational and charitable organizations. In 1940, when Lithuania was occupied by the Soviet Union, activities of Caritas Federation were stopped.

On August 26, 1988, the initiative women’s group, led by Albina Pajarskaitė, a member of the Sisters of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary of the Poor, signed the act of establishment of the Women’s Association of Caritas and started organizational work. On April 15-16, 1989 the group organized the big assembly in Kaunas to confirm this act and the group’s agenda as well as elect its central board members and council.

Changing times brought new perspectives of the organization and on June 2, 1991 the second special assembly confirmed new statutes and the new name – Lithuanian Caritas Federation. Since that time membership of Caritas has been open to both women and men. The Lithuanian Caritas Federation defined itself as the association of priests and laymen of the Catholic Church seeking to educate the society religiously and morally to solve social problems and to develop charitable activities. In 1991 the Lithuanian Caritas Federation became a member of Caritas Internationalis.

On July 23-24, 1994, at the second assembly of Lithuanian Caritas Federation, some corrections were made in the structure of the organization. It was also confirmed that the Federation would always seek to involve more lay Catholics into charitable activities.

On June 21-22, 1997, at another assembly of Lithuanian Caritas Federation, the organization was completely reorganized and integrated into the structure of the Lithuanian Catholic Church under the name of Lithuanian Caritas.


The national Lithuanian Caritas organization now consists of the Lithuanian Caritas Center and autonomic diocesan Caritas organizations that have their own units in parishes and deaneries.

Lithuanian Caritas consults and coordinates Caritas activities, represents the organization in Lithuania and abroad, and seeks to influence Government policies aimed at protecting the interests of poor and marginal people. The Lithuanian Bishops' Conference has the authority to appoint the director of Lithuanian Caritas.

Diocesan Caritas organizations, functioning in all seven dioceses of Lithuania, serve elderly and sick people, orphans and prisoners. In cooperation with municipalities and non-governmental organizations they contribute to the support of parochial care-houses, organize retreats and seminars for Caritas volunteers, and are involved in feeding the poor. Diocesan Caritas is subordinate to the local bishop, who is authorized to elect the director.