P. Kriaučiūno g. 17
LT-68298 Marijampolė
Tel. (+370-343) 6 86 51
Fax: (+370-343) 5 32 31
E-mail: vyskupas@vk.lcn.lt
Born 2 December 1957
Ordained 24 February 1991
Consecrated 29 June 1997
Bishop of Vilkaviškis since 5 January 2002
Born on December 2, 1957 in the district of Kaunas. After having graduated the secondary school Nr. 26 of Kaunas, in 1975 he entered the Kaunas Politechnical Institute and worked in several places. 1976-1978 he did the obligatory military service in Soviet Army. After the military service he worked in different places for 8 years.
In 1986 R. Norvila entered the Interdiocesan Seminary in Kaunas. He was ordained on February 24, 1991. After the ordination he served as parochial vicar in three different parishes of Kaunas. In 1993 Rev. R. Norvila was appointed chancellor of Kaunas Archdiocesan Curia.
1995-1997 Rev. R. Norvila studied spiritual theology at the Pontifical university of St. Thomas Aquinas in Rome, graduating with a degree of licence in sacred theology.
On June 29, 1997 in the Archcathedral of Kaunas he received an episcopal consecration. 1997-2001 Bishop R. Norvila was the rector of the Seminary in Kaunas. On July 27, 1999 Bishop Rimantas Norvila was appointed vicar general of the Archdiocese of Kaunas. On January 5, 2002 His Excellence was appointed ordinary bishop of Vilkaviškis diocese.
2002-2011 Bishop R. Norvila was presiding the Council for Youth Affairs of Lithuanian Bishops‘ Conference. 2002-2018 he was also a Chairman of the LBC Council for Relations with Polish Bishops‘ Conference. 2011-2014 Bishop R. Norvila was heading the Commission for Liturgy of the Lithuanian Bishops‘ Conference. On March 7, 2019 he was again elected chairman of this Commission.
Since 2005 Bishop R. Norvila represents the Lithuanian Bishops' Conference in the Commission of the European Bishops' Conferences in Brussels. In 2016-2018 he was one of the vicepresidents of the COMECE and from March 8, 2018 he heads the Commission of the External relations of the COMECE.
In 1999, 2005, 2008 and 2014 His Excellence Msgr. R. Norvila was the Delegate of the Lithuanian Bishops‘ Conference at the Synods of Bishops in Rome. Bishop Rimantas is a delegate of the Lithuanian Bishops' Conference at International Eucharistic Congresses.
On March 7, 2019 Bishop R. Norvila was elected vice-president of the Lithuanian Bishops' Conference.